
London Coronavirus Digest 23 March: Prime Minister says ‘stay at home’ and announces ‘national emergency’ movement curbs

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced the most comprehensive restrictions ever imposed on the way of life of British people in attempt to slow the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. From this evening all Londoners and everyone else in the UK must stay at home as much as possible and only leave in order to buy food or medicines, to take a single form of exercise each day, in order to attend to a medical need or care for a vulnerable person, or to travel to work if absolutely necessary.

Following the closure of restaurants, pubs, theatres and cafés ordered on Friday, the government has now said that all shops selling “non-essential” goods, all libraries, all playgrounds, all outdoor gyms and all places of worship must also shut. All social events are banned, including weddings, baptisms and other ceremonies, though funerals are exempt. Public parks will remain open for purposes of exercise, but gatherings in public of more than two people who are not members of the same household are now prohibited. Police will have powers to impose fines on those who break these new rules and to disperse groups of people. Johnson described coronavirus as “the biggest threat this country has faced for decades”.

Government ministers are just some of those in London and elsewhere who’ve been dismayed by Mothering Sunday weekend images of many thousands of Britons failing to follow social distancing advice as the number of confirmed COVID-19 coronavirus cases rises. Many parks and seaside reports were packed, perhaps suggesting people believe the virus cannot be picked up if you are out in the sunshine and fresh air. This argument cut little ice at Westminster or at City Hall or among London borough leaders. Johnson’s unprecedented curbs on movement follow other significant developments in the capital today.

This article was last updated at 20:55 on 23 March 2020. is committed to providing the best possible coverage of London as it contends with the coronavirus crisis. The website and its writers depend on donations from readers. Individual sums or regular monthly contributions are very welcome indeed. Click here to donate via Donorbox or contact Thank you.







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