
The On London website is eight years old. Please give it your support

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This website was launched by me in a more rudimentary form on 1 February 2017 as a place where I could continue to write about the politics, places and people of London in the way I wanted to, having previously been the Guardian’s self-publishing London commentator since 2008. Today, eight years on, is an established, multi-contributor journalism website providing coverage of the UK capital with a depth of knowledge and insight not often found elsewhere.

On London is still run entirely by me from one room in my home in Hackney. All of its content is free. It carries no advertising, advertorial or “sponsored links” and is solely owned by me. Almost all of its income comes from hundreds of individual supporters giving £5 a month or £50 a year (and getting things in return that other people don’t). The rest, ensuring the company bank account stays in the black, has come from a couple of “supported content” projects and a bit of moonlighting.

The website currently has more supporters than ever before. But every pound continues to be vital to keeping On London going and growing, especially if its freelance writers are to be paid respectably, the site itself is to be maintained and refreshed, and the usual costs of running a small business are to be covered.

If you would like to become a supporter, there is a choice of three different ways to do it: by using any “donate” link on the website itself; by becoming a paid subscriber to my personal Substack (where some of my On London pieces are republished); or by bank transfer (details provided on request).

Contrary to what is sometimes claimed, London has a wealth of good journalism outlets, each with its own specialisms and identity. On London is no exception. Its primary focus is City Hall – home of the Mayor and the London Assembly – and how its powers, influence and responsibilities affect the evolution of the capital as an urban society like no other.

Through a mix of straightforward reporting, informed analysis and reasoned argument, I and my fellow writers aim to generate more light than heat, provide an antidote to populism of all kinds, and contribute to making London a better place – to building The Good City.

If you don’t already support On London, please consider doing so.

Thank you,

Dave Hill (Founder, Publisher and Editor).


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